Your body needs CHOLESTEROL and you cannot eat enough of it

Cholesterol is very important in the body.

*Your brain and nerves are made, mainly, of cholesterol.

*40% of your cell membranes is cholesterol.

*Your steroid hormones like testosterone, Cortisol, aldosterone are made from cholesterol.

*Vitamin D is made from cholesterol.

*Cholesterol makes the bile used in digestion of fats and absorption of vitamins A.D.E and K.

Cholesterol is made in the liver or eaten.

It is impossible to eat “too much” of cholesterol. Cholesterol does not cause heart problems, sugars (in all their forms) do.

Eggs and fatty meat are the best sources of dietary cholesterol. Eat plenty of them.

Give your children plenty of eggs, fatty meat and bone soup.

Whenever you have an injury or inflammatory condition (like flu) your cholesterol levels rise to help restore your health.

When you hear a doctor or some nutritionist telling you cholesterol is unhealthy, ask them to explain how.

We can talk about Cholesterol. Hit the “Consult Doctor Kimbo” button on the menu.

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