Why Women Get Fat After Childbirth (It’s Mostly Their Fault) And How To Restore Their Sexy Body Shape

Motherhood is not an excuse for obesity. While pregnancy changes a woman’s body, it does not doom her to a lifetime of excess fat. Yet, many women let themselves go after childbirth, blaming hormones, genetics, or the stress of raising a child.

The truth? Most post-pregnancy weight gain comes from overeating, laziness, and a victim mentality. Women who take charge of their health bounce back, while those who make excuses stay fat. If you’re ready for the hard truth, keep reading.

1. Overeating & Poor Diet – Many women eat more than necessary during pregnancy and continue the habit postpartum.

If they consume excess carbs, sugar, and processed foods while being less active, they pack on fat.

That uji and chai and eating 10X daily are the greatest cause.

2. Lack of Physical Activity – Some women stop exercising completely after childbirth.

They use motherhood as an excuse to remain sedentary, leading to fat accumulation.

After 3 weeks of birthing, a mother is ready to start lifting.

3. Hormonal Changes – Pregnancy and breastfeeding alter hormones, which can slow metabolism and increase fat storage.

However, this isn’t a life sentence—discipline in diet and exercise reverses it.

4. Muscle Loss & Weak Core – Pregnancy stretches abdominal muscles and weakens them.

If a woman doesn’t train to rebuild core strength, her belly remains distended, and her posture worsens.

5. Sleep Deprivation & Stress – Lack of sleep and stress from raising a child increases cortisol levels,

which promotes fat storage, especially around the belly.

But instead of fixing their lifestyle, many women cope by overeating junk.

6. Excuses & Victim Mentality – Many women simply give up.

They justify weight gain as “natural” or “inevitable” instead of taking control of their health.

They see other women bouncing back but claim, “My body is different.” It’s not.

7. Cultural & Social Factors – In some cultures, women are encouraged to “eat for two” during pregnancy

and overeat postpartum, leading to unnecessary weight gain.

Some also believe being bigger after childbirth is a sign of wealth or good health.

The reality is, fat gain after childbirth is not permanent unless a woman chooses to let it be.

Women who take control of their diet, exercise, and lifestyle bounce back.

Those who make excuses stay fat.


As her Tribal Chief, you don’t beg, plead, or tolerate excuses.

You lead, set standards, and enforce discipline.

Here’s how you get her back in shape:

1. Set the Standard

Make it clear: You desire and expect a fit, attractive woman.

She must respect your standards as the leader of your household.

No negotiation.

2. Control the Food Supply

You dictate what enters the home.

Eliminate junk food, processed carbs, and unnecessary sugars.

Stock up on fatty meat, eggs, organs, and nutrient-dense foods.

If she craves snacks, give her cracklings or boiled eggs—not cakes and soda.

3. Enforce Physical Activity

She doesn’t need a gym—just discipline. Encourage:

Daily walks with the baby strapped to her back.

Bodyweight exercises (push-ups, squats, planks).

Carrying heavy things (groceries, baby, household chores).

Bedroom cardio (you know what I mean).

No laziness allowed.

If she resists, remind her:

A weak body means a weak woman—and a weak woman cannot serve her Chief.

4. Fix Her Mindset

Kill the excuse-making mentality before it spreads.

If she starts whining about “baby fat” being permanent,

show her examples of disciplined mothers who got their bodies back.

She must take responsibility for her body.

5. Prioritize Rest & Recovery

Lack of sleep and stress lead to weight gain.

You must protect her peace—help her sleep well, remove unnecessary stress,

and ensure she gets time to recover.

6. Lead by Example

If you demand discipline from her, you must embody it yourself.

Stay fit, eat clean, and maintain high standards.

A strong leader inspires compliance.

7. Reward Progress, Not Excuses

If she follows the path, acknowledge her effort. If she backslides, correct her.

Your household reflects your leadership.

If you allow mediocrity, it’s your failure as The Tribal Chief.

A woman who respects her Tribal Chief will embrace discipline and restore her beauty.

A woman who resists? She’s testing your authority.

Lead her, or replace her.

What about those who become super skinny, looking malnourished after childbirth?

Some women get super skinny after childbirth, and the reasons are usually a mix of biology, lifestyle, and stress levels.

Here’s why it happens:

1. Breastfeeding Burns Calories

Breastfeeding can burn 500-700 extra calories per day.

If a woman isn’t eating enough to compensate, she will shrink fast—sometimes looking malnourished.

2. Hormonal Imbalances

Some women experience thyroid issues postpartum, especially hyperthyroidism,

which speeds up metabolism, leading to rapid weight loss and sometimes even muscle wasting.

3. Poor Nutrition & Appetite Loss

Some women get so focused on caring for the baby that they forget to eat enough

or don’t prioritize nutrient-dense meals.

If she lives on tea, bread, and small portions, she’ll waste away.

4. Chronic Stress & Sleep Deprivation

High cortisol levels from stress and lack of sleep can cause muscle breakdown

and fat loss in some women—especially those with naturally fast metabolisms.

5. Genetics & Body Type

Some women are naturally ectomorphic (thin-framed) and struggle to hold on to weight,

especially when under stress or physically active.

6. Overexercising

A few women overcompensate after childbirth—jumping into intense workouts too soon while still under-eating.

This leads to excessive weight loss and sometimes a haggard look.

What Should a Tribal Chief Do?

If your woman is getting too skinny, it’s your job to bring balance:

Ensure she eats well – Fatty meat, organs, eggs, bone broth, and real food. No starvation.

Reduce stress – Help her sleep, remove unnecessary pressure, and lead with strength.

Control the exercise – Encourage movement, but not excessive cardio that wastes her body.

A healthy, well-fed, stress-free woman will regain her natural curves and energy.

Whether too fat or too skinny, the solution is always strong leadership from her Tribal Chief.

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