Examples of Healthy Food Combinations

This list is composed of the most common and affordable foods in the Kenyans market.

Combine them the way you want.

Do not be shocked if you visit me and see beef, eggs, beans and Avocado in one plate.

  1. Beef + cabbage + avocado
  2. Chicken + spinach + matoke
  3. Omena + cabbage + avocado
  4. Gizzards + Pumpkin leaves + beans
  5. Ten fried eggs + avocado + bone soup
  6. Fish + few macadamia nuts
  7. Coconut + bone soup
  8. Eight boiled eggs and salted water
  9. Matumbo + sukuma wiki
  10. Liver + ndengu
  11. Mashed beans and pumpkin + beef

What? Is Matumbo even food? Yes. Matumbo is very nutritious.

Your food should be cooked with animal fats/oils.

Fill your plate with the above and eat to your fill.

If you are looking to burn body fat, eat one meal a day, between 4 pm and 8 pm.

Eat your meals after work, after your gym sessions. Why?

The brain functions best when the stomach is not digesting food.

Wheat products, milk, fruits (except avocado), honey and seed oils are unhealthy.

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