In stead of drinking uji power like a foolish man, consuming drugs to enhance your erections,
adopt a healthy lifestyle .
- Eat less food, less often. Ideally OMAD consisting of as little carbs as possible.
Eat more meat, eggs, animal fats and leafy vegetables.
Fasting for longer periods than 24 hours is very advisable.
It forces the body to “eat” damaged cells for energy. We call this autophagy.
When you feel hungry, it is not food that you need. It is SALT.
The body is only tricking you to eat so that you can consume salt.
To trick it back, drink salted water. You’ll not feel hungry.
- Drink 3-4 litres of water daily. Add salt. Make coffee. Add ginger. Drink bone soup. Total water consumption 3-4L. This is proper hydration.
Dehydration leads to stress, low immunity and inflammatory conditions.
- Lift weights 3-5 days/week in the gym. If you can’t afford gym, walk for 2 hours daily or be active in your farm.
- Sleep at least 7 hours daily. Sleep until you wake up on your own, in a dark, cool and super quiet room.
- Avoid things that poison your body: sugar, seed oils, plastic, alcohol, painkillers, Hormonal contraceptives, wheat products, pasteurized milk and processed milk products, honey, fruits(except avocado and pumpkin), TV news and relationships that drain your energy.
There are no herbal remedies that will work if you’re not doing the above things.