PEASANTS think people care and should care about them, just because The Big Man said, “Love your Neighbor “
MEN are playing ZERO SUM games knowingly or unknowingly: Ruthless Competition.
As we speak, someone is plotting to take over your job, woman, position, business, industry, farm, money…and even your phone.
FOOLISH MEN think women love them genuinely, just because she moans when you are between her legs!
They fail to understand women only care about themselves and their children.
If a man doesn’t provide value to her, she moves on to another man; often trading value for her body and time. (See BRIFFAULT’S LAW)
Even your associates want you in their circle because they can use you. You are also using them, after all.
Right? Good.
People only care about the VALUE you offer them: your time, energy, brains, body.
Love is imaginary.