Why God Doesn’t Answer Prayers


There’s no way you will eat unhealthy crap, get fat and sick, pray to him and then expect him to listen to your unnecessary prayers.

How can he bless the marriage of a man who drinks alcohol

or a woman on hormonal contraceptives? Tell me.

How can he help your business thrive if you are closed on Sundays and holidays while your competitors are serving customers?

Why should he help your child get good grades in KCSE when you have been letting your child spend time on the TV, TikTok and loitering in the neighborhood?

You are just delusional. God does not answer prayers of people who violate the laws of nature.

Even if you are his bishop, you will die of cancer if you keep eating sugars and other inflammatory substances.

Now, factually speaking God is Not Who We are Told he is…

There’s no old man in the sky, waiting to reward good boys with eternal life and throw the rest of us in hell.

Yahweh and his colleagues are imaginary.

We created God in our own image and likeness.

He is as imaginary as James Bond or Jack Bauer.

That’s why he doesn’t heal you when you eat inflammatory foods…

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