Men, if you want to be respected and taken seriously,
- Write properly. Spell, punctuate and summarize properly. Proofread before sending your message. Communicate effectively.
- Punctuality is a must. Keeping deadlines is nonnegotiable. If you can’t keep time due to ABCD, communicate in advance.
- Dress conservatively and for the occasion. Certain ornaments like earrings are for women and effeminate men. Avoid them.
- Be high status, powerful and highly competent. Provide value to people. If people depend on you for their survival, happiness, work, they will respect you and take you seriously. Power earns a man respectability, even if he is an evil man.
Observe the Laws of Power! - Install Psychopathy in your Psychology. Think rationally, not emotionally. Have a calm and detached interaction with situations. Nobody respects panicky men. Say what you mean firmly, even when it’s politically incorrect.
- Have at least 3 Leg days every week. I won’t explain this. Just do it.
Case closed. Let’s go to work.