How To Earn The Respect of Other Men

Men, if you want to be respected and taken seriously,

  1. Write properly. Spell, punctuate and summarize properly. Proofread before sending your message. Communicate effectively.
  2. Punctuality is a must. Keeping deadlines is nonnegotiable. If you can’t keep time due to ABCD, communicate in advance.
  3. Dress conservatively and for the occasion. Certain ornaments like earrings are for women and effeminate men. Avoid them.
  4. Be high status, powerful and highly competent. Provide value to people. If people depend on you for their survival, happiness, work, they will respect you and take you seriously. Power earns a man respectability, even if he is an evil man.
    Observe the Laws of Power!
  5. Install Psychopathy in your Psychology. Think rationally, not emotionally. Have a calm and detached interaction with situations. Nobody respects panicky men. Say what you mean firmly, even when it’s politically incorrect.
  6. Have at least 3 Leg days every week. I won’t explain this. Just do it.

Case closed. Let’s go to work.

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