Be Careful How You Write: It Tells Us If To Respect You Or Not…

Men, when writing to other men, customers or superiors, write properly like a serious man.

Follow grammar rules so that you’re taken seriously.

Nobody will respect you if you use “i” instead of “I” when referring to yourself.

Use and spell common words correctly.

Avoid using words that will make us look for a dictionary.

Send the messages only after proofreading.

A man writes “OK.” in stead of Okey or Okay.

A man should never use “Hi, Hey, Sasa, Mambo” on serious communication.

Use “Hello Sir,” “Hello Kimbo,” “Greetings! Maina,” or “Good morning, Mr Otieno.”

To make your messages easy to read, make each sentence a paragraph on itself, like I have written here.

Emojis and informal language should be used when chatting with your females, not clients, other men or superiors.

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