Shortcuts in health matters almost always end up in disasters or at best, being useless.
I am talking about herbal concoctions, beauty products, big pharma drugs, prayers and witchcraft.
Except for infections and severe injuries you don’t need drugs.
Go to the gym 3-4 days/week,
eat high protein and high fat foods,
go low on carbs as much as possible,
get enough sunlight,
sleep until you wake up without alarms,
stay hydrated,
drink bone soup,
avoid alcohol and carbonated drinks…
You’ll be very strong, healthy, sexy…
Your body will have optimal functionality in all systems.
Viagra will not make a man any good in bed.
Makeup and hip boosters will not make a woman hot.
Anything worth having is worth paying for, working for, going the journey for.
Avoid shortcuts with your health.