A Man Never Stops Thrusting…

Men, if you want to remain strong and powerful for a very long time,

never settle in your comfort.

If you build a successful business, build another one. Repeat this many times.

You have built a sculpted, muscular body that can deadlift twice your weight?

Never stop going to the gym and eating healthy foods…and sunning your balls.

You will disappoint your ancestors if you stop flirting and breeding with women.

Biological and society laws allow you to have as many families as you can raise.

No matter how wise and intelligent you think you are, never stop reading books and learning from others!

Even King Solomon had advisors.

A man doesn’t stop to build himself and his empire.

Only death should stop him.

If you stop working, your whole life, empire and mental state stalls and you fall from the sky…

A man is like the engines of a B747, that must generate thrust every time of the flight.

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