Correct human nutrition is a must have for optimal body wellness.
Meats, animal fats and eggs can provide 100% of all the nutrients and energy needed by your body.
They have all the vitamins and minerals you need to be healthy.
Due to unavailability of meats, humans have learnt to substitute their diets with plant based foods.
Healthiest ones available in Kenya are leafy vegetables, avocado, pumpkin, legumes, natural spices like pilipili & ginger, bananas and nuts.
Plant based foods ARE NOT ADEQUATE.
Don’t be a vegetarian.
Examples of Healthy Food combinations
- Beef + cabbage + avocado
- Chicken + spinach + matoke
- Omena + cabbage + avocado
- Gizzards + Pumpkin leaves + beans
- Ten fried eggs + avocado + bone soup
- Fish + few macadamia nuts
- Coconut + bone soup
- Eight boiled eggs and salted water
- Matumbo + sukuma wiki
- Liver + ndengu
- Mashed beans and pumpkin + beef
Your food should be cooked with animal fats/oils.
Fill your plate with the above and eat to your fill.
If you are looking to burn body fat, eat one meal a day, between 4 pm and 8 pm.
Eat your meals after work, after your gym sessions. Why?
The brain functions best when the stomach is not digesting food.
What about ugali, rice, wheat products? These are just starchy foods with zero nutrients.
They should eaten only when you are starving. They are food for fattening our livestock.
And a powerful man doesn’t come close to starvation.
Roots like potatoes, yams and casava, sweet fruits, sugar, honey are highly glycemic foods that you should avoid.
Ignore the hype that fruits give you vitamins. They also give you unhealthy fructose.
Feed your entire family (Tribe) with a healthy diet.
Six months after birth, no human needs milk.
Good nutrition should be combined with proper hydration, adequate sleep, weight lifting, sunlight exposure for you to get maximum health.
You’re welcome.