Men, one of the requirements to win at life is having DISCIPLINE.
Two areas most men fail horribly are in food and sex.
If you can control when you eat, what you eat and when you have sex, you become a man ready to win the game.
In the month of March, June, September and November practice discipline in these two areas.
You eat only once a day. You don’t ejaculate.
By the end of the 30 days, you will be feeling like a MONSTER.
If you want that, Join me.
These are the rules.
- No Snacking, No Cheating
One meal means one meal. Anything outside your eating window breaks the fast.
- No Relapse, No Excuses
If you fail, you lose momentum.
Stay militant even when your penis is harder than a rock. Focus.
Tell your women not to tempt you.
- Eat Like a King, But Smartly
Prioritize fatty meat, organ meats, eggs, and bone broth.
Leafy vegetables and avocado are good too.
Avoid carbs that spike insulin.
- Avoid Sexual Triggers
Stay away from Instagram models, TikTok thirst traps, and all forms of dopamine-draining nonsense.
A man who consumes such content has already lost power.
- Hydrate Like a Beast
Drink salted water, bone broth (an hour before eating your meal of the day), sugarless black coffee, ginger water.
If you are thirsty, drink plain water.
In total consume 3-4 litres of these hydration agents.
Dehydration makes fasting harder.
Avoid milk (that’s food for babies), fruit juice, carbonated drinks and alcohol.
- Warrior Mentality – Retention is about dominance and self-control.
Weak men chase pleasure.
You chase power. When you feel horny, take a walk, enter the gym, take a cold shower.
You can still play with your woman without penetration/ejaculation.
It makes you disciplined enough to delay gratification.
- Lift Heavy Weights
Strength training enhances fasting benefits, forces adaptation, and keeps muscle mass.
- Transmute the Energy – Use retained energy to lift, build, and conquer—don’t let it make you restless.
Approach clients, investors and get things done.
- Electrolytes Are Non-Negotiable
Sodium, potassium, and magnesium prevent fatigue, brain fog, and muscle cramps.
You get these from sea salt. Add it to your drinking water.
- Cold Showers & Hard Work
Discipline your body with cold showers, hard labor, or intense exercise to channel urges.
- Feast in the Evening
Eating at night optimizes growth hormone, testosterone, and sleep quality.
Between 5 pm and 8 pm is the ideal time.
- Sun & Strength
Sunlight boosts testosterone. Lift heavy to turn built-up energy into dominance.
- No Processed Garbage
Refined sugar and seed oils will wreck your results.
Stick to whole, nutrient-dense foods.
If you must eat carbohydrates, eat pumpkin, legumes, green bananas, leafy vegetables, nuts.
Cook all your food with animal fats.
- Sleep Like a King
Retention increases deep sleep quality.
Sleeping late or poorly wastes your benefits.
- Control Your Mind, Control Your Seed
Semen retention starts in your mind. No porn, no pointless lustful distractions.
Guard your seed. Your sperms are used to fertilize a fertile woman.
If you are not making babies, you don’t have to cum.
- No Weakness
Feeling hungry? Drink salted water.
Hunger is mental warfare—your body has fat to burn.
This is brutal but will keep your mind sharp, body strong, and discipline unbreakable.
Stick to it, and by the end of the month, you’ll be on a different level.