Men, Do This if your woman is chaotic…

Men, investigate the following things making your woman chaotic, dramatic and disrespectful.
Men With Disloyal Women Have These Traits

Men, to understand female nature, I have recently decided to watch loyalty tests on YouTube. (Comrades Flavor, Eastern TV channels).
You'll see that almost all the men whose women cheat have one of the following characteristics.
Read MoreBetatization: How Women Weaken Strong Men

Men, be very careful when you marry or get in a relationship with a woman.
There's a process called Betatization.
Read MoreNever Take Shortcuts With Your Health; You Must Do The Right Thing

Shortcuts in health matters almost always end up in disasters or at best, being useless.
I am talking about herbal concoctions, beauty products, big pharma drugs, prayers and witchcraft.
Read MoreHow Alcohol Makes You A Big Loser

Men, it's not that I don't respect your right and choice to drink alcohol.
I discourage alcohol consumption because it has been proven to:
Read MorePeople I would rather not attend to as a doctor

There is a category of clients that I would rather not deal with.
The ones who come to me for consultation and then they start telling me how consuming something unhealthy once in a while is OK.
Read MoreDid You Feel Faint On Your First Day In The Gym?

"Doctor Kimbo, after yielding to your pressure, I went to the gym for the first time and almost fainted. How do you lift weights on an empty stomach?"
You don't faint or feel dizzy because you lack food in your stomach.
Read MoreWhy Being Powerful Is Important

Men, when you're powerless, the world leaves you to die alone.
Nobody cares. Not even your parents.
Read MoreMen, Your Kingdom Is Not A Democracy

Men, most women will want to manipulate you to disown your own philosophy.
They will call you STINGY if you refuse to misuse your hard earned cash on them,
Read MoreONEitis: The Mental Disorder Worse Than Schizophrenia

Men, there's a mental inflammatory condition, worse than depression, Alzheimer's and dementia combined.
It's called ONEitis.
Weak men who suffer this mindset problem think that a certain woman is meant for him.
Read MoreBe Careful How You Write: It Tells Us If To Respect You Or Not…

Men, when writing to other men, customers or superiors, write properly like a serious man.
Follow grammar rules so that you're taken seriously.
Read MoreMen, We Provide More Than Just Material Resources…

Men are providers.
Most people think a man should provide only money and material resources.
Read MoreWhy God Doesn’t Answer Prayers

There's no way you will eat unhealthy crap, get fat and sick, pray to him and then expect him to listen to your unnecessary prayers.
Read MoreLOVE is Imaginary. It’s all about SELF INTERESTS

PEASANTS think people care and should care about them, just because The Big Man said, "Love your Neighbor "
MEN are playing ZERO SUM games knowingly or unknowingly: Ruthless Competition.
Read MoreEndurance and Masculinity

One aspect of MASCULINITY is endurance, also called High Stress Tolerance.
A man with high endurance can stand uncomfortable situations for a very long time without breaking or quiting.
Read MoreThe Good Old Days When I Was Young…

When I was growing up in the early 50s, women used to dress decently.
You only saw their skins below the knees, the forearms and from the neck upwards.
Read MoreUntold Chaos in Fatherless Families…

I recently saw a Facebook post of a woman asking if her 16 year old daughter is safe after the teenage girl went for a bash, slept over with her 20 year old male friend, she met on Instagram.
The boy's mother was now calling the girl's mother complaining that the girl has bad manners and that she should be disciplined.
Read MoreHYPERGAMY Rules Every Man Must Understand…

Men, let me tell you something about hypergamy.
It is a characteristic of female Psychology that makes women feel attracted to men who are more powerful, richer, older, stronger, more cunning…than them.
Read More