BAD NEWS, Alcohol Consumers…

Men, if you're still taking alcohol, I have some disturbing news for you.
You're doomed and you're perishing.
Read MoreMen, if you're still taking alcohol, I have some disturbing news for you.
You're doomed and you're perishing.
Read MoreWhen they market oranges as healthy because they have Vitamin C,
they don't tell that oranges (and all other sweet fruits) have a lot of fructose which causes fatty liver, arthritis, gout and kidney stones.
Read MoreMen, our success and failure depend on our biochemistry;
the hormones running in our body.
Read MoreMen, do not be bullied by the society and Benjamin Zulu to think that a 19 year old woman is immature, knows nothing about life and cannot make a good wife.
That's a big lie.
Read MoreMen, you are NOT partners or equals with your woman.
Your relationship is a non-democratic MONARCHY and you are The King or The Tribal Chief.
Read MoreIn stead of drinking uji power like a foolish man, consuming drugs to enhance your erections,
adopt a healthy lifestyle .
Read MoreShould a high blood pressure patient take salt? YES.
Should a high blood pressure patient lift weights in the gym? YES.
Read MoreMen, the society rewards a powerful man, not a "good" man.
The society punishes a powerless man, not an "evil" man.
Read MoreWater is the best substance to take when you wake up in the morning.
Salted water, my friends.
Read MoreMen, if you listen to most women, their suggestions and talks are geared towards comfort, fun, relaxation, peace, safety and preservation of life.
You'll hear them say you work too much, you're lifting too heavy, you should not bathe with cold water…and that fasting is not good for you.
Read MoreHave you ever tried to put the bible into practice?
John 14:13-14 says, "And whatever you ask in my name, that will I do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son. If you shall ask any thing in my name, I will do it".
Read MoreMen, history is made by men who solve problems. Big problems. Very BIG problems.
Hannibal crossed the Alps, eventually defeating the Romans for Carthage.
Read MoreMen, NOWADAYS people know ACTION speaks louder than words.
So, many will make good gestures to trick you into believing that they are THE ONES.
Read MoreThe MIDDAY SUN is the best inducer of vitamin D synthesis.
The sun's UV light activates the cholsterol in your skin to start undergoing changes that end up with you making vitamin D.
Read MoreLadies, the healthy skin care routine has 5 components.
1. Go lift weights in the gym 3-4 days every week. Sweat.
Read MoreWhen having a disagreement with someone, you should remain perfectly calm.
The other person may become angry, but you should not.
Read MoreA 46 year old man who eats healthy, stays hydrated, sleeps adequately and lifts heavy weights 3-4 days/week and has a successful scalable business,
has more testosterone than a 26 year old boy who doesn't lift weights.
Read MoreJack Bauer is the leading character played by Kiefer Sutherland on 24 movie series.
Jack is lean and extremely energetic.
Read MoreEver felt lazy or unmotivated to do what needs to be done by you?
Most probably you have a metabolic distress and your body is not able to process the fuel you give it.
Read MoreMen, the system is brainwashing your children to be losers: weak, stupid, sick and poor.
It's your duty as a father to teach them how to think, solve problems and grow into powerful humans.
Read MoreGetting a high value man to marry or lead you is very difficult nowadays.
The society is extremely fucked up with 80% of men ending up as powerless losers.
Read MoreIf you are a just starting to work on your fitness goals in the gym, focus on learning how to perform the exercise correctly.
I define a gym beginner as anyone who has been in the gym less than 3 years of consistently lifting weights.
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