How Much Salt Does a 70 kg Man Need Per Day?

World Health Organization says about 2300 milligrams (just about a teaspoon) per day.
One of the WHO's sponsors, American Heart Association, says under 2000mg (2g).
Read MoreWorld Health Organization says about 2300 milligrams (just about a teaspoon) per day.
One of the WHO's sponsors, American Heart Association, says under 2000mg (2g).
Read MoreMen, work on the following first before marrying and raising a family.
If you marry someone's daughter before doing these 4 things, you will have a lot of unnecessary problems leading the family into happiness and prosperity.
Read MoreSUGAR in all its forms is responsible for all the health conditions we blame on cholesterol, salt, red meat…
After consuming it for years, our bodies are unable to process the excess due to something called insulin resistance.
Read MorePlease note that Milk is food nature meant for mammalian babies.
Mammalian babies should drink raw milk from their mother's tits.
Read MoreThe habits that lower your testosterone, making you a powerless, low value man.
Stop it if you want to win at life.
Read MoreThe modern man has significantly lower Testosterone compared to Men born before World War 2.
Those born after 1989 are even more emasculated with Low Testosterone.
Read MoreNo. Social Psychologists Refuse.
A man who is just friends with a woman is too effeminate to be saved, even by the big man from Nazareth.
Read MoreThe beasts you're competing with for worldly wealth, power, status and reproduction rights, (The Top 10%)
1. Are working 16+ hours daily,
Read MoreRobert Greene offers a series of strategies for obtaining and maintaining power in various situations.
Power being the ability to have a control over the outcome of a relationship between you and others.
Read MoreThis list is composed of the most common and affordable foods in the Kenyans market.
Combine them the way you want.
Read MoreA leader must know things. He must be well informed. He must understand the basics of psychology.
He must understand how to write and communicate like a leader.
Read MoreThe guys on the photo above are doctors celebrating World's Kidney Day, by cutting a cake made of wheat, sugar, seed oils and many other things that destroy the kidneys...
Anyway, We Kenyans are not a healthy nation.
Read MoreThe game of CHESS is one of the strategy games a man must play to keep his mind sharp.
It does to the mind what weight lifting does to the bones and muscles.
Read MoreFirst, Psychopathy is not only (controlled) lack of empathy
but also detachment from the chaos around you,
slowing down reaction to think,
Read MoreMost of your mental issues are simply because of your low testosterone levels.
Addictions to drugs, sex, porn and masturbation, gambling and TV…
low ambition, boredom, depression, jealousy, cowardice, anxiety, low libido, reduced masculinity…
Read MoreDo not try to build a scalable business alone.
It is impossible to succeed.
A scalable business is a system like a car, a computer, a house, or a human body…
Read MoreWomen, to restore your feminine body shape, you must stabilize your female sex hormones.
To regain your sexy body (health and fertility) STOP consuming things that disrupt your hormones.
Carbonated drinks, Refined foods, Artificial foods, processed foods, hormonal contraceptives are why you're struggling with fat belly…
Read MoreMen, your value should increase as you age.
This is because you should be building yourself and your empire, all the time.
Gather accurate information and become wise and free from the system's misinformation strategies.
Read MoreMost people are in a constant state of dehydration.
They are always tired, sleepy, hungry or just bored. (Body's way to conserve more salt and water.)
They cannot be productive with a dehydrated body.
Read MoreIf you love your life, avoid consuming starchy foods that are deep fried, baked or roasted.
Under high temperatures (like in frying) the SUGARS in starchy foods make the Amino acid ASPARAGINE to break down into a chemical called ACRYLAMIDE.
The reaction is known by science as THE MAILLARD REACTION.
Read MoreThese common conditions are caused by low stomach acidity (hypochlorhydria).
Initially, we thought they were caused by high stomach acidity, due to the burning of the oesophagus or heartburn we experience.
Low acidity is the cause...
Read MoreIf you're struggling to lose fat weight, get in shape, look younger and be healthier,
Here is a simple strategy that has worked for everyone I've worked with, including myself.
Read MoreOvereating is the cause. Don't even try looking for other things to blame.
I see women consuming too much carbohydrates, too many times per day thinking that's what helps them produce more quality breast milk.
It does not. In stead they become fat, weak and sometimes depressed or sick, and call it baby fat.
Read MoreIf you are thinking about building a business, understand this:
The Gym is the temple of man. It is a holy place where men come to build and cleanse themselves. When you come to the gym,
Fruits are marketed effectively as very healthy, their producers often citing availability of Vitamins and antioxidants in various fruits. But they don't tell us about Fructose.
Most fruits contain high levels of a sugar called fructose (Fruit sugar).
Fructose is metabolized by the liver to make chemicals that destroy your cells, causing a cluster of diseases called Metabolic syndrome.
Read MoreCholesterol is very important in the body.
*Your brain and nerves are made, mainly, of cholesterol.
*40% of your cell membranes is cholesterol.
Read MoreIn your quest for power, be careful to never be in the following five states.
The five states will lead you to making stupid decisions that will sabotage your progress as a man.
Many Kenyans, for lack of accurate information, consume the following inflammatory things, without knowing they are poisoning themselves.
They later become weak, sick, poor or dumb and very manipulatable. Don't be many Kenyans. Avoid the following:
C- Carbonated drinks. Sodas, Juices, energy drinks and alcohol.
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