Men, if you’re still taking alcohol, I have some disturbing news for you.
You’re doomed and you’re perishing.
You’ll never win at life if you are consuming alcohol.
You are as horrible, emotional, chaotic and weak as a woman on hormonal contraceptives.
Alcohol is the most common weapon the system uses to make you weak, sick, infertile, poor and stupid. 5 birds, 1 stone.
A stupid weak man is easy to manipulate.
He is easy to sell useless things.
A sick man is easy to sell useless drugs.
Women easily control you when you’re drunk, weak and stupid.
Your alcoholic fatty liver leads to kitambi, low testosterone, low libido, high blood pressure, gastritis and indigestion.
Alcohol slows your brain and muscle and glandular function.
A King must never desire or consume alcohol. Proverbs 31:1-3.