Before Starting A Successful Business, Read These Books To Succeed Faster

Men, before starting a successful scalable business, you should read the following books.

Their practical wisdom is not taught in the conventional school system.

  1. The 48 Laws of Power
  2. Who Moved my Cheese
  3. The 22 Immutable Laws of Marketing
  4. The Rules of Management
  5. How Rich People Think
  6. The E-Myth Revisited
  7. Sell Like Crazy
  8. The Mafia Manager
  9. The Way of The Wolf
  10. The 22 Immutable Laws of Branding
  11. The 33 Strategies of War
  12. The 100M Dollar Offer
  13. Influence: the psychology of Persuasion
  14. Cues by Vanessa Van Edwards
  15. What Would Machiavelli Do?
  16. They Ask You Answer
  17. The Psychology of Money
  18. The Millionaire Fast Lane
  19. The Wisdom of Psychopaths
  20. How to sell when nobody’s buying
  21. The Art of War

As a man, have a library and avail these books for your sons.

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