48 Things A Man Should NEVER Do
I will be BRUTAL, TRUTHFUL and HARD. Brace yourself and Pay Attention.
Grab a Mug of Sugarless Black Coffee.
The world is built for strong men.
Weak men get used, ignored, or destroyed.
Society wants you weak, broke, and obedient. Reject that.
Live by these rules, and you will be respected, feared, and untouchable.
Here are 48 Things A Man Must Never Do:
- Never Let a Woman or Society Neuter You
Masculinity is under attack.
They want men to be soft, passive, and weak.
A powerful man must be aggressive, dominant, and unapologetic.
Stay dangerous.
- Never Beg for Respect
You either command respect or you don’t get it at all.
No one respects a beggar.
Carry yourself like a king, and people will treat you like one.
- Never Let a Woman Lead You
Women don’t respect men they can control.
If she’s making all the decisions, you’re her woman.
Lead or be led. Hypergamy is merciless.
- Never Depend on Others for Your Survival
If another man controls your food, money, or shelter, he owns you.
A man must provide for himself. Case Closed.
- Never Show Weakness Publicly
The moment you show weakness, the world will attack you.
Cry in private, suffer in silence, and come back stronger.
- Never Let Fear Stop You
Fear is a mental prison.
If you’re scared of rejection, failure, or taking risks, you’ll never win.
Attack life aggressively.
If you die you die.
If you win, you win.
- Never Be Out of Shape
A fat, weak man is not taken seriously.
Your body is your armor—build it like a warrior.
We meet in the gym 4-5 days every week to sculpt our bodies in our image.
- Never Ignore Discipline
Discipline is what separates kings from peasants.
If you can’t control yourself, someone else will.
Those addictions must be dealt with.
- Never Apologize for Being a Man
Masculinity built the world.
Don’t let anyone shame you for being dominant, ambitious, and aggressive.
Embrace your Dark Triad Traits the way a lion embraces his Killer Status.
- Never Stay in a Weak Position for Too Long
Broke? Fix it. Weak? Train. No power? Take it. Staying weak is a choice.
The world is ruthless to Powerless Men.

- Never Be Financially Illiterate
Money is power.
If you don’t understand how to make, keep, and grow money, you will always be a slave to those who do.
On this platform, we have written articles to give you financial literacy.
A man must know about money.
- Never Depend on a Salary Alone
A job is just modern-day slavery.
Build multiple sources of income, or be prepared to beg forever.
Your boss should be your client, not a master.
Create a system that can serve thousands of people every day.
- Never Let a Woman Control Your Finances
If she controls your money, she controls your life.
Handle your own finances like a man.
No shared accounts with your woman.
Do not disclose your net worth.
- Never Do Business Without Contracts
Verbal agreements get betrayed.
Get everything in writing, even if it’s your own mother.
- Never Lend Money Expecting It Back
If you give money to someone, assume it’s a gift.
Never ask for the money you lend someone.
If you can’t afford to lose it, don’t give it.
- Never Be Cheap with Yourself
A king doesn’t live like a beggar.
Spend on things that increase your power—health, books, skills, business, connections.
- Never Put Emotions in Business
Business is war.
Don’t make decisions based on feelings.
Think like a killer. A war General.
- Never Do Business with Weak Men
A weak partner will destroy everything you build.
Choose allies who are ruthless and disciplined.
Businesses fail because of the incompetence of your allies.
- Never Chase Investors—Make Them Chase You
If you’re begging for money, you have no power.
Build something so valuable they come to you.
- Never Be Comfortable Being Broke
Poverty is not noble.
It is a curse.
Fix it with brutal hard work and strategy.
- Never Put a Woman Above Your Purpose
Your mission comes first.
If she’s your #1 priority, you’re already weak.
- Never Pedestalize a Woman
She is not a goddess.
She is your assistant.
Treat her well, but don’t worship her.
- Never Let a Woman Use You for Resources
She’s only around when you’re spending money?
She’s a parasite. Cut her off.
If she gives you value in exchange for your resources, fine.
- Never Raise Another Man’s Child
Harsh truth: Most stepfathers are wallets, not respected fathers.
Think carefully.
If you must raise another man’s children, that man should be your deceased brother,
and you should be comfortable doing that.
- Never Move into a Woman’s House
Her house, her rules.
You are not a pet.
Have your own kingdom.
Let women come to you instead.

- Never Tolerate Disrespect
A woman will test you.
If she disrespects you once and you allow it, she’ll never respect you again.
- Never Date a Woman Who Hates Masculinity
A woman who despises men will try to castrate you mentally.
Avoid her like poison.
- Never Reveal Your Deepest Weaknesses to a Woman
She will never see you the same way again.
Women respect strength, naturally.
- Never Argue with Women
Debating with a woman is useless.
Lead through actions, not words.
- Never Allow a Woman to Control Your Friendships
She doesn’t like your friends? That’s her problem.
A woman who isolates you is dangerous.
- Never Poison Your Body
Carbonated drinks, seed oils, Processed Foods, Milk, GMO fruits, drugs, alcohol—these are for weak men who want to escape reality.
Eat nutrient dense foods.
- Never Skip the Gym, when you are supposed to be there
A strong man commands respect before he even speaks.
4-5 days every week are mandatory.
- Never Avoid the Sun
Sunlight boosts testosterone. Weak men hide indoors.
Get as much as you can during the day.
- Never Ignore Mental Strength
A broken mind leads to a broken life.
Train your mind as hard as your body.
Chess, Sudoku, Building Business are good tools to toughen you.
- Never Let Addictions Control You
Porn, alcohol, social media—these are tools to enslave men.
Break free.
- Never Sleep Too Little
Sleep is power.
Without it, you’re weak, slow, and stupid.
Do not be lied to that sleeping is a poor man’s behavior.
Sleep for recovery.
- Never Rely on Doctors Alone
Take control of your health.
Most diseases come from bad habits.
And hospitals, being in business, are misleading you to be sick, to maintain their income.
- Never Be a Victim
Society respects warriors, not crybabies.
Adapt, conquer, dominate.
- Never Waste Time Arguing with Fools
A lion does not debate with sheep.
- Never Let Another Man Disrespect You Publicly
Check him immediately, or lose respect forever.

- Never Follow the Crowd Blindly
The masses are weak, broke, and lost.
Be different.
- Never Fear Being Politically Incorrect
The truth is brutal. Say it anyway.
- Never Trust a Man Who Talks Too Much
Real power moves in silence.
- Never Be Passive
Power is taken, not given. If you don’t fight for it, you’ll stay weak.
- Never Let Another Man Lead Your Life
Be the master of your destiny.
- Never Be Afraid of Conflict
If someone crosses the line, end it immediately.
- Never Stay Comfortable for Too Long
Comfort is the enemy of greatness. Keep pushing.
- Never Die Without a Legacy
If you leave this world and no one remembers your name, you have failed.
Wake up right now.