A dehydrated man
- has lower blood pressure than the optimal, hence not energetic/enthusiastic.
- is metabolically and physiologically and mentally stressed. Has high cortisol levels.
- cannot have enough blood flow to sustain a serious erection.
- is more likely to be irritable at the slightest provocation. (Has high neuroticism)
- cannot think clearly without anxiety. He is bound to make miscalculations.
Never hold a high stakes conversation with dehydrated men.
Treat him like a drunk man incapable of executing high stakes judgement.
So many men live in a constant state of dehydration and wonder why they look older than their age.
To stay properly hydrated, you must have enough water and salt (electrolytes) in your cells and blood.
Drink salted water (2 litres) sugarless black coffee/tea (½-1 litre), bone soup (½-1 litre) and ½ a litre of plain water between 5 am and 6 pm to stay properly hydrated. We need at least 3 litres daily.