Endurance and Masculinity

One aspect of MASCULINITY is endurance, also called High Stress Tolerance.

A man with high endurance can stand uncomfortable situations for a very long time without breaking or quiting.

He can endure being broke, being alone, being in the sun for 10 hours, work for 15 hours, walk 30 kilometers, penetrative sex for an hour, Gachagua-like crises for years.

You’ll never hear men with high endurance complaining about too much work.

Endurance is a sign of high testosterone and high psychopathy.

To build endurance, since you have no option but to just do it,

you must eat clean and stay hydrated to be ENERGETIC (plenty of fatty meat, eggs, bone soup, salty water and sugarless black coffee),

expose yourself to uncomfortable situations like cold showers, walking barefoot, lifting weights for 4 hours (until you are physically exhausted),

sleep adequately to recover,

play chess and fill Sudokus,

learn monetizable skills like copywriting, video editing, graphic design, coding…

and build a scalable business.

The attitude should be; we will stop when the work is done, when all enemies are dead, when we have won the game.

We Must Win .

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