Men, if you struggle with erectile dysfunction, this means,
Your penis is unable to get hard enough to have sex or it gets hard for a very short time or you cum faster than a Jogoo.
Sometimes you don’t even feel the desire to “discipline” someone’s daughter. Low libido.
And I can bet this has killed your self esteem and caused anxiety in your life.
Viagra and herbal concoctions don’t help and you know they are risky.
You are suspecting your woman is getting dick out there? Chances are, you’re right.
Your problem is caused by things that lower your testosterone Hormone or that restrict blood flow to your organs.
If you’re tired of this kind of life, do the following;
- If you are fat, just UNFAT. Fat men have testosterone of a worm. This should be easy: stop eating CRAP that make you fat.
- Go as low as possible on carbs. It’s stupid to believe uji power will help you. Avoid alcohol, soda, fruits and energy drinks. These things that raise your blood sugar are extremely bad for your testosterone.
- Go to the gym 3-4 days/week. Lift weights for strength and endurance. Deadlifts, squats, bench, rows and shoulder exercises will turn you into a beast.
- Eat lots of fatty meat, eggs, avocado, leafy vegetables: cooked with animal fats. Morning sugarless black coffee and plenty of water with salt. Don’t forget bone soup and salt.
- Sleep 6-8 hours every night. Sleep deprivation is a leading cause of low testosterone.
- Sunlight exposure for at least one hour daily. Even on cloudy days, we have sunlight. Get your ass outside.
- If you have other health issues, fix them. Diabetes, arthritis, HBP, Ulcers, Depression, Obesity are all known to kill your manhood.
- Be busy on a mission to build a business empire, solving problems for humanity and earning money. Idleness kills testosterone and tempts you to seek stupid habits like gambling, porn, masturbating, watching TV, eating CRAP and smoking weed.
It takes Time, Routine, Order, Discipline to achieve it and you can do it.