Men, it’s not that I don’t respect your right and choice to drink alcohol.
I discourage alcohol consumption because it has been proven to:
- Lower testosterone
- Cause dehydration and stress
- Reduce fertility by low sperm count
- Cause depression and anxiety
- Lead to fatty liver disease
- Cause Brain degeneration
- Lead to faster aging
- Cause obesity and insulin resistance
- Lead to erectile dysfunction
- Cause certain cancers eg liver, stomach
These are just primary effects.
There are secondary effects. Eg, inability to remember due to brain degeneration or
Reduced sexual function due to low testosterone, dehydration, obesity and low fertility.
You get the point.
What I don’t understand is why a man would willingly subject himself, at his own financial cost, to these conditions.
Why would you knowingly sabotage yourself?
There’s no single need for alcohol in the human body.
Alcohol is poison. It is for the miserable and the dying.
Anyway, my task here is not to convince or persuade you.
I am here to inform you.