Men, let me tell you something about hypergamy.
It is a characteristic of female Psychology that makes women feel attracted to men who are more powerful, richer, older, stronger, more cunning…than them.
A superior man.
They love dominance, because dominant man is able to provide for, protect, discipline and lead her and her children to happiness and prosperity.
If you cannot physically, mentally and emotionally dominate your woman, she will sooner than later lose attraction and instinctively find a man who can.
They test your dominance in very subtle ways, and if you fail those shit tests, you lose your dominance points.
Eg, sending you around like a good little boy, making small rules, accusing you of something and waiting for you to explain or apologize.
Pass dominance tests in flying colors, bro.
Being superior to her is not enough; she needs you to be superior to other men in her environment.
Be a man Other Men Follow. The Man other men look up to.
Bench more weight than all the men she knows.
Be The Tribal Chief.
Not for her though. Do it because it’s the right thing to do.
If you don’t, hypergamy will punish you mercilessly.
She will regret being your woman and before you know it, she’s breeding with other men she perceives as more superior to you.
This is just female human nature. Not a reason to hate women.
If you admire a female doctor, make sure you are the owner of the hospital.