Men, All Your Hormones Dictate Your Life…Balance Them Naturally

Men, our success and failure depend on our biochemistry;

the hormones running in our body.

Testosterone, adrenaline, cortisol, growth hormone, Insulin, Melatonin, dopamine, serotonin etc, are the chemicals that run our lives.

They dictate how much motivated we are, how much stress we can absorb without burnout, how physically strong we are, how mentally capable we are, how much libido we have and even our daily thoughts.

Sometimes I tend to understand human behavior because we have little control over our behavior.

Men with killer instincts and the drive to win may or may not be in control: the hormones in them are.

The drive to do uncomfortable things is unconscious.

Men who attract women effortlessly (aka womanizers) may not even be aware of it but women find them suitable for breeding because of behavior they exhibit due to hormones.

But we can control the balance of these hormones.

To balance your chemicals of life into a winning recipe;

  1. Eat healthy foods (75% of your foods should be animal proteins),
  2. Exercise hard in the gym, fields or farms.
  3. Daily Sunlight exposure of at least one hour
  4. Sleep 7+ hours daily,
  5. Stay adequately hydrated with water and salt.
  6. Fast a lot. Ideally eat only one meal every 24 hours, occasionally 1 meal every 48-72 hours.
  7. Avoid consuming inflammatory substances like alcohol, energy drinks, soda, sugar, BPA (found in plastics), GMO fruits, milk, wheat, pharmaceuticals and narcotics and women on hormonal contraceptives.

Yeah. That last part sounds insane, but it is true.

  1. Have serious goals you want to achieve. Testosterone hormone is produced on demand. So, put yourself in situations that need you to be combative and creative.

For example, build a scalable business, lead people in a project, construct an aquarium, approach beautiful women or even start a revolution…

Good luck, man.

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