Men, Avoid Sharing Your Unsolved Problems With Your Women…

Men, imagine you are a passenger on a B747 flying 37,000 ft above the Pacific Ocean,

and the Captain tells you that he doesn’t know what has happened to the engines, the controls and the navigation tools.

There is a problem he doesn’t understand and the aircraft is falling.

Since you are not a pilot or a flight engineer, you cannot help the Captain solve the problems that help both of you.

You can only hope that he manages to handle everything in the next 3 minutes or else…

That is the panic and anxiety your woman feels when you tell her your problems.

She’s a passenger, not a copilot in the safari.

She expects you to lead her into happiness and prosperity, tell her what to or not do, show her the right way.

She lacks the capacity to support you physically, mentally and emotionally when it comes to you effectively performing your combative and creative roles.

And it is not her duty to do so.

If you must involve other people to solve your problems,

it should be your father, uncles, your gym brothers, colleagues,

paid consultants, mentors and your goons.

These are your copilots, navigators, flight engineers, air traffic controllers.

They will help you aviate and navigate your life.

Women love to hear your heroic stories and adventures.

She wants to hear how you almost died in a battle with muggers but somehow you murdered their leader and the rest ran for their lives.

Don’t tell her you were fired at work. Tell her you are leaving to start your own business.

Always remember this; she is not your partner.

She’s just a passenger on your flight.

So, only share the good moments with her.

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