The beasts you’re competing with for worldly wealth, power, status and reproduction rights, (The Top 10%)
1. Are working 16+ hours daily,
2. Are lifting weights 3-5 days/week,
3. Learn new things daily,
4. Eat healthy foods,
5. Work as a team of skilled men,
6. Are building or expanding their business empire,
7. Are highly intelligent and cunning,
8. Possess a high degree of stoicism,
9. Approach strangers and get laid a lot,
10. Read books in stead of watching TV,
11. Don’t treat women like goddesses.
The above are the rules to win the zero sum games all men are playing.
Do not sleep thinking competition is little: it is fierce as you approach the top because you are competing with more competent men.
If you don’t see life of a man as a zero game competition/game or war,
you are on the losing it big time.
Men are out there trying to outsmart each other and you.
That’s why you must follow the rules above if you want to win.