Most of your mental issues are simply because of your low testosterone levels.
Addictions to drugs, sex, porn and masturbation, gambling and TV…
low ambition, boredom, depression, jealousy, cowardice, anxiety, low libido, reduced masculinity…
stupidity, mental fatigue, memory loss, laziness, unexplained insomnia…
All can be attributed to Low Testosterone.
Low Testosterone is also called Hypogonadism.
Solution? Fix your testosterone levels.
To do so, naturally,
- Cut off sugars, wheat, milk, alcohol, white ugali, carbonated drinks, modern fruits, TV news.
- Eat plenty of meats, eggs, omena cooked with animal fats and avocado + leafy vegetables.
- Lift heavy weights 3-5 days/week.
- Maintain a BMI of 21-22 and a W:H ratio of 0.44-0.48. UNFAT.
- Be on a mission. Be busy. Make money. Make sales. Win cases. Build a business. Complete a project.
- Walk or work under direct sunlight at least 2 hours daily.
- Sleep 7-8 hours daily.
- Fasting regularly. E.g. eating one meal daily in the evenings and not eating entirely for 48-72 hours in a row.
- Semen retention. Don’t masturbate. Avoid watching Pornography. Abstain from sex for some 30 days while doing the above.
Other than solving mental issues mentioned above, you will solve other problems with the above tips.
You’ll attract what average people call luck.
But it is really power to be in control.
You’ll get to convince more clients, employers and women…
You’ll attract the right people who will help you in your mission.
You will be stronger physically…
You will have higher Stress Tolerance with high testosterone.
You’ll also have have a more calm, rational mind due to high testosterone.
Testosterone makes you A MAN.
You must have higher than average testosterone to win at life.