Men, Propaganda is an effective tool used to manipulate you…

The system has successfully managed to convince us that…

  1. Fruits, salad oils and hormonal contraceptives are healthy,
  2. Salt, cholesterol, eggs and meat are bad,
  3. We should be named after the saints from Europe not our ancestors,
  4. Polygamy is barbaric and ungodly,
  5. Our women have a right to dress as scantily as they wish,
  6. Having 9+ children is too outdated to do,
  7. Pastors are sent by Jesus Christ with good news of hope and that churches are holy places,
  8. It’s OK to raise children you didn’t sire,
  9. GMO are solving food insecurity crisis,
  10. We should follow what hospitals advise.

All that is PROPAGANDA.

Treat it with as much contempt as possible.

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