Men, To Lead Your Team Effectively…

Men, if you are leading your people to prosperity and happiness, as their Tribal Chief,

  1. Do not allow the society to manipulate you to do things that don’t serve your interests or that don’t align with your values.

People must earn what they get from you.

Accept being labeled as a narcissist.

  1. Do not allow indiscipline, laziness and irrationality in your subjects.

Lead by example.

Wake up early. Lift heavy weights. Work hard. Eat clean. Hydrate. Think clearly. Stay sober. Don’t tolerate bullshit.

Let them call you toxic.

  1. Your leadership is not democratic.

You know where you are going and how to get there.

So, you take only those who want to go there with you.

Drop those complaining about or disobeying your rules, immediately before they slow you down.

If they call you a dictator, so be it.

You are intolerant to different opinions? Yes you are.

You don’t subscribe to the DEI philosophy.

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