To win long lasting breeding rights with fertile women
- First Experience Effect
People don’t forget their firsts.
First time they felt alive
First deep conversation that changed their view on life
First time they did something exciting with someone
First time she was kissed in a way that she felt loved.
If you can be the first to give her a unique emotional experience,
she’ll tie that feeling to you.
Take her on experiences that feel new & unpredictable.
Be the first man to make her feel something rare.
This explains why girls don’t forget their first love…
Women don’t forget the man who makes them pregnant, first.
Even in business, the first brand in a category of products or services in our minds tend to last.
The rule here is, be her first man to do X.
If you can’t be her first man, find a girl you can be her first man to do X.
- Become Her “Safe Space” in a Chaotic World
Most men try to impress her.
Few men know how to make her feel safe.
Women’s lives are filled with stress, drama, and uncertainty.
A lot of unhappiness.
If you’re the only man who makes her feel: Understood
At peace
Like she can be her real self
She won’t want to lose you. Ever.
- The Psychological “Loss Effect”
People fear losing something more than they desire gaining something.
Most guys make themselves too available.
She never fears losing them.
- Be a man in demand
- Show that you have standards
- Make it clear that if she doesn’t value you, she will lose you
When a woman feels like she could lose you, she invests even harder.
It is even more effective when she knows she is losing you to another deserving woman.
Be an object of desire.
- The Unexpected “Letdown” Effect
Most guys try to keep attraction high at all times.
But here’s a secret:
Attraction grows when you drop the energy unexpectedly.
- Laughing and vibing? Suddenly go quiet and look into her eyes.
- Teasing her? Suddenly stop and say, “Damn, you actually have a deep side.”
- High-energy date? End it early with “I gotta go, but let’s continue this next time.”
This contrast forces her to chase the high again.
Psychologists call this Fractionation.
You mix ups and downs.
Robert Greene, in his The Art of Seduction, calls this “to mix pain with pleasure.”
Women are not designed to resist a man who does that to them.
Is it Evil? Who cares.
Does it work? Very much.
Do women like it? Hell yeah.
- Make Her Feel Like She Knows You… But Not Fully
Women chase mystery.
If she feels like she has you all figured out, she’ll lose interest.
The key is giving her glimpses of who you are
without revealing everything:
- Talk about your past, but leave some unanswered stories.
- Share your ambitions, but make her curious about your next move.
- Be open, but never overshare too soon.
A man with layers is a man she can’t stop thinking about.
Be a puzzle she will never solve for decades.
- Break a Pattern She’s Used To
Women get approached the same way 100x a month.
They expect guys to:
Compliment them
Chase them
Try to impress them
Instead, do the opposite:
- Ignore what makes her “hot” and get curious about her mind.
- Playfully assume she is the one chasing you.
- Say, “You’re kinda interesting… I didn’t expect that.”
She’ll instantly see you as different from the rest.
You don’t have to be nice: she meets nice men out there.
If she’s meeting church guys, play the atheist.
- The “Emotional Bookmark” Trick
People tie emotions to moments in time.
If you want a woman to think about you randomly,
link yourself to an experience in her life:
- A specific song
- A type of food
- A certain place
Say: “This song will always remind you of me.”
Every time she hears it, she feels you.
Now, you’re permanently in her mind.
Teach your sons this.