Men, work on the following first before marrying and raising a family.
If you marry someone’s daughter before doing these 4 things, you will have a lot of unnecessary problems leading the family into happiness and prosperity.
- Have a masculine psychology.
Think and behave like a man.
Have; High Ambition. Psychopathy. Charisma. Narcissisim.
Leadership skills. Unplug from the effeminate society’s brainwashing.
To do this successfully, Read the recommended books on Leadership, right on this platform.
- Get a masculine body frame.
Build muscles, strength and endurance of a man and be good looking.
This means lifting weights 3-5 days/week, eating plenty of eggs, fatty meats and animal fats, sleeping at least 7 hours daily, getting sunlight exposure for at least 2 hours daily and keeping your body hydrated properly.
Fix your health problems.
- Be in a group of other masculine men. Build or join a network of like minds. Those gym brothers, business partners, good contacts. Your network is your worth.
- Build a scalable business and have assets. Build a farm with a big house, raise goats and chicken, grow crops and install systems that can sustain a large family indefinitely.
It takes years to get there. So start now.
Live slowly, delay gratification, do those boring things, work 15 hours daily, expand your territory and don’t shy from getting dirty.
We are at war for power, dominance and breeding rights.
When stakes are this high, you cannot afford to follow stupid rules and norms of the system.
Stop believing that blessed are the poor and peacemakers or that money is the root of all evil.
Stop treating women like goddesses and simping. If you create enough value, they’ll come begging you to have them.
Treat life like a No Disqualification Wrestling Match where doing anything to win is acceptable.
The society will forgive you for your crimes, when you win.
Be mean to and ruthless with people who ask for your help without adding value to you.
Every interaction with others should make you smarter, stronger, healthier or richer.
Since you’re the King in your life, you make the rules of engagement.
Let people play by the cards you offer them.
That’s how you win.