Men, You Must Embrace The Dark Triad Traits To Win The Game…

The DARK TRIAD traits every successful leader must have in their Psychology.

  1. Narcissism.

This self-love makes you very ambitious.

You want to be famous, big, super wealthy, super strong and glorious…

because you’re a GREAT MAN, you are brilliant, strong and you possess the best genes.

And you deserve the best.

  1. Machiavellianism.

This is simply being able to charm others.

Society calls it manipulation but I call it having a charismatic personality.

You inspire your people to do what is needed to succeed.

  1. Psychopathy.

Extremely rational people are called Psychopaths.

They don’t attach emotions to their actions.

Not fear. Not love. Not empathy. And you cannot manipulate them.

They fire who needs to be fired.

They do what needs to be done.

To understand these traits, watch 24, Blacklist, Money Heist, and Prison Break.

Notice Jack Bauer and his terrorists, Reddington and his criminals and Michael Scofield with his fellow inmates and other players.

Read Robert Greene (48 Laws of Power, 33 Strategies of War, The Art of Seduction) and Robert Cialdini (Influence).

You’re welcome.

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