Never Make Others Feel Envious- Downplay Your Success if Necessary (The 51st Law Of Power)

When you are winning, most men around you will be aroused to envy.

Envy is a strong emotion present in all human beings.

It attracts strong competition and potential back stabbing, lawsuits and endless conflicts.

The bible is full of stories of envious people. Cain, Laban, Saul, Leah, Joseph’s brothers, Ahab are just few examples.

As a clever student of Machiavelli, you must work to deflect envy in others.

The first law of the 48 Laws of Power states that you must never outshine your master.

This is because the greatest demon you will ever face is an envious superior.

Do not make your father, your brothers, colleagues or anyone else jealous.

They will wreck you horribly.

A wise man enjoys his success in private.

To never make others envious, you must avoid triggering their insecurities and sense of competition.


  1. Stay Low-Key – Avoid flaunting your wealth, achievements, or advantages, especially in front of those who lack them.
  2. Praise Others More Than Yourself – Make people feel valued and important in your presence.

Compliment their strengths rather than highlighting your own.

  1. Share Credit Generously – When you succeed, acknowledge the contributions of others.

Make them feel like they are part of your success.

Even if they didn’t participate, acknowledge their goodwill or prayers.

  1. Downplay Your Success – Instead of boasting,

act as if your achievements are ordinary or a result of luck and teamwork.

  1. Show Vulnerability – Let people see that you also have struggles and setbacks.

This makes you relatable rather than a source of resentment.

  1. Be Generous – Share opportunities, resources, and knowledge.

Envy decreases when people feel they benefit from your success.

  1. Avoid One-Upping – When someone shares their achievements,

don’t immediately respond with a bigger or better story about yourself.

Celebrate their success. You’ll get a chance to share yours.

  1. Master the Art of Discretion – Some things are better left unsaid.

Keep your financial status, romantic life, and big wins private.

  1. Act Unimpressed by Status Symbols – If you don’t chase status,

people won’t feel the need to compete with you.

Chase your dreams relentlessly, while pretending to be just an average Joe.

  1. Help Others Win – Envy fades when people feel you are lifting them up instead of leaving them behind.

This is true for your siblings and other family members.

But let’s face it,

if you seek power, eliminating envy is impossible—only controlling it is.

Envy is a sign that you’re ahead.

If you suppress it too much, you’ll also suppress your rise.

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