PUNCTUALITY communicates a lot of interest and commitment in the business you’re meeting for, high discipline and respect for the others. COMPETENCE!
If you agree to meet at 10:05 am, be there on or before 10:05 am.
If you can’t be there, COMMUNICATE so that your associates can wait for you or plan to meet you another time.
Some Kenyans will be late for whatever reason, fail to communicate and then feel bad when you leave after 10 minutes of waiting for them. They will dub you impossible to work with.
Don’t tolerate them.
People who cannot keep time and bad communicators are extremely incompetent. You cannot rely on them.
If they are part of your system, replace them as soon as possible.
If they are your superiors, just know you are dealing with an incompetent superior.
These are the ones that delay salaries and flow of information for no good reason and blame their subordinates for the failure of the system.