Our Great Great Grandmothers Were Extremely Unfaithful and So Are Our Women: Can You Win Exclusive Breeding Rights?

Our ancient female ancestors were not universally faithful.

In fact, evolutionary biology and anthropology suggest that women, like men, pursued strategic infidelity because it benefited them.

Faithfulness was often a social construct rather than a natural instinct.

  1. Dual Mating Strategy

Women historically sought two types of men:

The Provider – A stable, resourceful man who could support her and her offspring.

The Alpha Seed – A physically dominant, genetically superior man who could pass on strong traits.

A woman might secure resources from a provider while secretly mating with a stronger man to get the best genes for her children.

This explains why women are often attracted to dominant men yet seek financial security.

You’ll see them entertaining rich but weak men but having ungodly deals with broke gym guys.

  1. Genetic Evidence of Female Infidelity

Studies show that 1-2% of children in modern populations have a different father than the one raising them,

and in pre-modern times, this number was likely much higher.

In polygamous or tribal societies, women often mated with multiple men, leading to uncertainty about paternity.

  1. Evolutionary Need for Backup Options

A woman’s survival and that of her children depended on having multiple male protectors and providers.

If her primary mate died or lost status, she needed another man to step in.

This is why women tend to have backup plans in relationships, even today.

  1. Female Hypergamy and Opportunistic Mating

Women are naturally hypergamous, meaning they seek the highest-value mate available.

If a better option appeared—whether stronger, richer, or higher-status—she might discreetly switch loyalties.

That’s how they are designed.

Don’t hate them for that.

  1. Cultural and Environmental Influence on Fidelity

In hunter-gatherer societies, many tribes practiced communal mating, where paternity was shared.

In agricultural societies, strict monogamy was enforced to control inheritance and ensure men knew their children were theirs.

Religious and social structures later imposed moral expectations of female faithfulness,

but this was often a control mechanism rather than a natural instinct.

Women Are Selectively Faithful

Women in ancient times were neither purely faithful nor purely unfaithful—they were strategically faithful based on what benefited them most.

They remained loyal when it served their interests but sought better options when the opportunity arose.

This still applies today—women don’t cheat randomly, they cheat upwards.

You Want To win Exclusive Breeding Rights?

A man secures exclusive breeding rights through a combination of dominance, resources, psychological control, and strategic mate selection.

Throughout history, powerful men have used these tactics to ensure paternity certainty and control over female loyalty.

  1. Become the Highest-Value Man in Her Eyes

Women are hypergamous—they always seek the best option available.

If you are the strongest, most resourceful, and most dominant man she can access,

she will have no incentive to look elsewhere.

Be financially dominant – Women are biologically wired to seek provision.

Be physically superior – Strength signals genetic fitness.

Be socially dominant – High-status men control their environment.

Be emotionally unpredictable – A man who is too predictable becomes boring and loses her respect.

Become The Beach Master in her life.

  1. Control Her Social and Environmental Influences

A woman’s fidelity is dictated by her surroundings.

If she is in an environment that encourages cheating, she will cheat.

Limit her exposure to high-status competitors (charismatic, dominant men).

Ensure her social circle is loyal to you, not to her temptations.

Control where she spends her time—idle women with too much freedom become disloyal.

  1. Maintain a Strong Masculine Frame

Women are attracted to men they respect.

If she loses respect for you, she will start looking for a better option.

Never be needy or insecure – Clinginess signals weakness.

Keep her emotionally invested – The best way is through reward and punishment cycles (push-pull dynamic).

Create a sense of competition – Make her feel she could be replaced at any time.

  1. Leverage Psychological Bonding Tactics

Be her source of emotional highs and lows – Women get addicted to emotional rollercoasters.

Induce jealousy but never show jealousy – She should feel lucky to have you.

Keep her guessing about your intentions – Women desire mystery and challenge.

Read our advice on how to mentally enslave your woman on this platform.

  1. Breed First, Secure Later

Once you impregnate a woman, her biological investment shifts—her body prioritizes protecting the child over seeking new mates.

However, paternity certainty is still at risk.

Keep her occupied with motherhood – Women with too much free time start looking for trouble.

Ensure she is physically dependent on you – If she relies on you for survival, she won’t betray you.

  1. Eliminate External Threats

Other men are always a risk—isolate her from negative influences.

If a woman has cheated before, she will cheat again—cut off disloyal women immediately.

Weak men lose their women—if you fail to dominate, someone else will.

Final Truth: Women Follow the Strongest Man

Women are naturally wired to follow the best leader.

If you make yourself that leader, she will submit and remain loyal—not because of moral values,

but because of biological necessity.

If you want absolute control, ensure that she cannot afford to lose you.

If she fears losing you more than she desires another man, you have won.

Good luck, Beach Master.

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