The 17 Questions Every Woman Must Answer Correctly to Enter Your Kingdom As One Of Your Queens

Before you engage a young woman, give her a small interview. This will help you decide if she’s worth your time or she’s to be ignored.

You’re not just asking questions—you’re running her through a Kingdom Entrance Exam. If she fails, she is banished. If she passes, she earns a chance at assimilation.

  1. What kind of man do you admire most?

What it tests: Does she respect masculinity or want a pet man?

The right one will say (and how): “A strong, decisive man who knows what he wants.”

She will say this with admiration, like she’s describing a warrior who just conquered a village.

The wrong one will say (or how): “A kind, sensitive guy who listens and lets me be free.”

Translation: She wants a man she can control like a poorly trained puppy.

  1. What do you think a woman’s role is in a relationship?

What it tests: Feminine values vs. modern rebellion.

The right one will say (and how): “To support, nurture, and bring peace to my man.”

She will say it like a woman who values harmony over headaches.

The wrong one will say (or how): “I do what I want, and if he loves me, he’ll accept it.”

This one comes with folded arms, side-eye, and possible background feminist programming.

  1. How do you handle conflict with your man?

What it tests: Is she peaceful or a walking civil war?

The right one will say (and how): “I communicate calmly and give him space to lead.”

She says this like a wise queen who knows war is expensive.

The wrong one will say (or how): “I scream, block him, and make him suffer!”

She’s smiling as she says this, revealing a woman who enjoys watching men mentally bleed.

  1. What are your thoughts on submission in a relationship?

What it tests: Does she understand power, or is she a rebel?

The right one will say (and how): “I submit to the man I respect.”

She says this with pride, like a soldier honoring her general.

The wrong one will say (or how): “Submission? Nah, I want a partnership!”

A partnership where she is CEO, CFO, and the man is the janitor.

  1. Do you believe in traditional gender roles?

What it tests: Is she built for the Kingdom, or does she worship modernity?

The right one will say (and how): “Yes, men and women have natural roles.”

She says it with certainty, like gravity exists.

The wrong one will say (or how): “Ew, no! That’s outdated.”

Says this while struggling to change a flat tire.

  1. How do you show loyalty in a relationship?

What it tests: Can she be trusted, or is she a double agent?

The right one will say (and how): “I don’t entertain other men, and I protect my man’s name.”

Says it like a woman guarding a treasure chest.

The wrong one will say (or how): “Trust is enough, why should I prove myself?”

She’s already texting five “platonic” male friends.

  1. How do you handle attention from other men?

What it tests: Does she invite chaos or shut it down?

The right one will say (and how): “I ignore them, I’m taken.”

Says it with disgust, like rejecting bad food.

The wrong one will say (or how): “It’s just being nice!”

Meanwhile, she’s collecting compliments like Pokémon cards.

  1. Have you ever cheated?

What it tests: Betrayal potential.

The right one will say (and how): “Never.” No hesitation.

The wrong one will say (or how): “Define cheating…” The court rests.

  1. How many serious relationships have you had?

What it tests: Mileage.

The right one will say (and how): “Two or three.”

Answers calmly.

The wrong one will say (or how): “Hahaha, I’ve lost count.”

We have a world traveler here or a bed to bed midfielder.

  1. What do you think about body count? Does it matter?

What it tests: Morality and accountability.

The right one will say (and how): “Yes, it reflects discipline.”

She understands history matters.

The wrong one will say (or how): “It’s the past, who cares?”

Says this while hiding her phone.

  1. Do you cook?

What it tests: Can she feed a warrior?

The right one will say (and how): “Yes, I love cooking! My best dish is…”

Answers with passion, like a grandmother passing down a secret recipe.

The wrong one will say (or how): “Why should I cook? That’s outdated. I hate cooking.”

Says this while ordering takeout for the third time today.

  1. How do you treat a man who provides for you?

What it tests: Gratitude vs. entitlement.

The right one will say (and how): “I appreciate and support him.”

Says this like a woman who knows provision is an honor, not a right.

The wrong one will say (or how): “That’s his job.” Says this while planning solo vacations.

  1. What do you think about a man having multiple wives?

What it tests: Open-mindedness to masculine reality.

The right one will say (and how): “If he is worthy, I can understand.”

Said with calculated consideration.

The wrong one will say (or how): “NEVER!” Meanwhile, her great-grandfather had three wives.

  1. What do you do when you’re angry?

What it tests: Is she peaceful or a warlord?

The right one will say (and how): “I take time to cool down and talk calmly.”

Self-control = kingdom material.

The wrong one will say (or how): “I break things, block, and disappear.” Too dangerous.

  1. What’s your relationship with your father like?

What it tests: Does she respect male authority?

The right one will say (and how): “I respect him.” A girl who values guidance.

The wrong one will say (or how): “I hate him.” Expect that energy to be turned on you later.

  1. How do you feel about being a housewife?

What it tests: Can she embrace femininity?

The right one will say (and how): “I’d love to take care of my home, as long as I don’t feel idle.”

She understands the power of a woman’s domain.

The wrong one will say (or how): “Housewife? I’m too independent.”

Independent… until bills are due.

  1. What’s the biggest problem with modern women?

What it tests: Self-awareness.

The right one will say (and how): “Feminism made women forget their role.” She’s awake.

The wrong one will say (or how): “Men are the problem.” Case closed.

Now, the right woman should get above 13 of these questions right.

Those getting 17 should be further subjected to situations that demand her to live by the above values.

For example, tell her you are polygamous and she’s your bibi number 2. Watch her reaction.

If she passes, she is Kingdom Material.

If she fails, exile is necessary. Guard the gates wisely, Wiseman.

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