The FASTEST Route To Lose Fat Weight, Get Sexier Body, Look Younger and Be Healthier

If you’re struggling to lose fat weight, get in shape, look younger and be healthier,

Here is a simple strategy that has worked for everyone I’ve worked with, including myself.

  1. Eat only one meal a day (OMAD) to create calorie deficit. Eat in the evenings.
  2. Throughout the day, to kill hunger and accelerate your fat loss, drink salted water, sugarless black coffee, or sugarless black tea. At 4 pm, you can have a huge mug or two of bone soup.
  3. In your one meal, don’t eat carbs like wheat products, ugali, rice, potatoes, smoothies, carbonated drinks or fruits and milk. These are actually what makes you fat.
  4. Eat foods obtained from animals (meats, eggs, fish) except milk, eat plenty of leafy vegetables (low calories and high fibre), all cooked with animal fats, not salad oils.
  5. To avoid getting sagging skin, breasts and buttocks, either, walk around for at least 1 hour or better, enrol in a gym and do weight lifting 3-5 days a week. This is what actually gives you a sexy body shape.
  6. Do this for 100 days and you’ll be unrecognizable.

As you begin losing weight, getting in shape and becoming stronger and healthier, in just few days,

  1. Your mind will be more clear, feeling nice, less depressed and kind of excited. Using Ketones for energy, rather than carbs is free mental therapy.
  2. You will fall asleep faster and sleep deeper and longer.
  3. You’ll be more sexually aroused, more sexually receptive and your sexual energy increased. Stable hormones=more fertility.
  4. You’ll remain healthier longer, (get sick less often). These colds, fever, skin issues, diarrhea, gut problems, vaginal infections…all gone!
  5. Your energy to do work will increase. You’ll no longer complain of fatigue or “this is too much” or boredom.
  6. Your esteem and social interactions improve.

The only disadvantage is that you’ll need to buy smaller, sexier clothes to fit your new body and people will start hiding their spouses from you.

If you would like to consult me on how to attain normal weight, reverse diabetes, lower your blood pressure to normal, end your H pylori disaster,

Reach me on WhatsApp number 0736937917.

You don’t need medicine or herbs.

You only need information and action to stop doing the things that cause you those problems.

Refuse to be a slave of the conventional medical system.

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