The Most Lost Souls Nobody Can Rescue

When you pray today, please remember the following lost souls;

  1. Men who drink alcohol, soda, milk and energy drinks.
  2. Men who don’t lift weights.
  3. Vegetarians. Very lost humans.
  4. Men who treat women like goddesses. Aka simps or AFCs.
  5. Men who don’t read to learn new things.
  6. Addicts of betting, porn and TV news.
  7. Those who don’t drink 2L of salted water and 1L of plain water, coffee or soup daily.
  8. Football, religious and political sycophants.
  9. LGBT community members. The bible says they should be stoned to get rid of their evils in the Tribe.
  10. Those who believe water can ever turn into wine by some magic.

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