What would happen if you
- Didn’t consume carbohydrates/sugar/milk/fruits/carbonated drinks,
- Ate one meal a day in the evenings,
- Drank 2-4 litres of fluids with salt daily,
- Slept for as long as your body wants,
- Enjoyed at least an hour of sunlight and
- Lifted weights 3-4 days/week
for just 100 days?
The gods will reward you with these awesome benefits;
- Improved sleep
- More energy
- Improved Mental clarity
- Skin smoothness
- More libido and sex performance
- You earn respect of other people
- About 6 kg body weight loss if you are fat
- If you have diabetes, blood sugar normalized
- If you have HBP, it drops to within normal range.
- You start feeling optimistic and happy,
- You perform better in the gym, school and work
- Your gastritis and ulcers disappear
- Men’s testosterone skyrockets
- Any joint pain disappears
- Your red eyes clear.
You’re welcome.