Young Men, if you’re looking to be a high value man, don’t date a woman who;
- Has more male than female friends.
She’s disloyal, promiscuous and masculine.
- Posts pictures of herself on social media every other day.
She is narcissistic, chaotic and disloyal.
- Has multicolored hair and nails, nose piercings and tattoos and shows her thighs, abdomen and chest to the public.
Extremely Chaotic, Promiscuous and low IQ.
- Is fat and not doing anything to be lean, healthier and stronger.
She’s undisciplined and a bad mother.
- Doesn’t read books or watch educative videos regularly.
She is lazy, low IQ and cannot make a good mother, obviously.
- Drinks alcohol, smokes or does other drugs.
She is damaged, raised badly, promiscuous, low value and a bad mother.
- Hates her biological father, hates men and was raised by a single mother.
Girls with daddy issues are extremely insubordinate, disrespectful and masculine.
There are countless, beautiful, fertile and feminine girls out there waiting to be discovered and led by a good man.
You are that good man.
Your ideal woman should be innocent, raised traditionally by her father in a large family and wants to discover the world with your leadership.
When you meet her, she should be sleeping at her father’s house or in an apartment that her father (and male relatives) knows about.
She’s not your partner but assistant.
She should be eager to bear you many children.