Bad mindsets keep men weak and powerless.
More often than not, you don’t even realize you have this mindset.
You should evaluate yourself honestly and adopt the exact opposite mindset.
- Scarcity Mindset
Believing resources, opportunities, or women are limited, leading to desperation and fear of loss.
Men with this mindset cling to bad relationships, low-paying jobs, and mediocre lives.
- Victim Mentality
Blaming external factors (society, women, government, bad luck) instead of taking responsibility.
Leads to inaction, whining, and reliance on “hope” instead of strategy.
This affects very religious men.
They say they are facing battles from the devil (that’s why their women are unfaithful) in stead of of going to the gym and becoming a bedroom beast.
- Approval-Seeking
Living to please others rather than forging your own path.
Men who seek validation from women, friends, or society never build true power.
They are the effeminate men who post selfies on social media to be admired.
- Emotional Dependence
Letting emotions dictate decisions instead of logic and strategy.
A man controlled by emotions (especially fear and lust) is easily manipulated.
- Avoidance of Discomfort
Seeking comfort over challenge, leading to physical, mental, and financial weakness.
Growth comes from struggle—avoiding hardship ensures stagnation.
A man must love Suffering.
A man must love to delay gratification.
- Idealization of Women
Placing women on a pedestal instead of seeing them as human beings with flaws.
Leads to simp behavior, bad relationships, and emotional exploitation.
You are the one giving value to women, not the other way around.
She should be the one begging for your attention and other valuable resources.
- Lack of Mission
Living without a higher purpose or goal beyond chasing women or material things.
A man without a mission is a slave to distractions and meaningless pursuits.
Drugs, petty crimes, masturbation and sycophancy to pastors, football and politicians are for men who lack a strong mission.
Start building a large family business that your children will inherit.
- Fear of Conflict
Avoiding confrontation, competition, and standing up for oneself.
Power comes from dominance, not submission.
Practice confronting people, then ideas and even the gods.
Yahweh’s wrath is nothing compared to living as a powerless man.
- Over-Reliance on External Help
Waiting for the “right moment,” a savior, or luck instead of taking action.
Powerful men create their own opportunities instead of waiting.
- Weak Relationship with Power
Viewing power as “evil” or “bad” instead of as a necessary tool for survival and success.
Weak men fear power, while strong men master it.
Ignore the misleading scriptures that tell you love of money is the root of all evil.
A man who eliminates these mindsets becomes a Tribal Chief, one who commands respect, wealth, and influence.