Why The Bible and the Qur’an Are Not Holy Scriptures but Man-Made Myths Not Suitable As Moral Guides

For centuries, billions of people have revered the Bible and the Qur’an as divine revelations, believing them to be inspired by a supreme deity. However, under scrutiny, these books collapse into mere human fabrications, full of contradictions, scientific blunders, and barbaric morality. They are not divine guides but relics of primitive, ignorant men who lived in violent, tribalistic times. Worse, they continue to be used as tools of control, suppressing free thought and keeping people in mental slavery.

This chapter will tear apart the illusions surrounding these so-called “holy books” and expose them as ridiculous, outdated, and unworthy of guiding any rational person.

  1. The Bible and Qur’an Are Not Suitable as Moral Guides

If these books came from an all-knowing, all-good deity,

their moral teachings should be timeless, just, and wise.

Instead, both are filled with violence, slavery, misogyny, and primitive justice.

The Bible’s Barbaric Morality

Slavery is endorsed:

“You may buy slaves from the nations around you… they will be your property.” (Leviticus 25:44-46)

A moral book should condemn slavery—not allow it!

Genocide is commanded:

“Now go and strike Amalek and devote to destruction all that they have. Do not spare them, but kill both man and woman, child and infant, ox and sheep, camel and donkey.” (1 Samuel 15:3)

What kind of “good” God orders the slaughter of babies?

Rape victims must marry their rapists:

“If a man finds a virgin who is not betrothed, and seizes her and lies with her, then he shall give her father 50 shekels and she shall be his wife.” (Deuteronomy 22:28-29)

Instead of punishing the rapist, the victim is forced to marry him? Sick.

The Qur’an’s Barbaric Morality

Killing non-Muslims and apostates:

“Kill them wherever you find them.” (Qur’an 2:191)

“If they turn their backs, take them and kill them wherever you find them.” (Qur’an 4:89)

A book of “peace”? More like a manual for war and forced belief.

Women are inferior to men:

“Men are in charge of women… if they disobey, beat them.” (Qur’an 4:34)

A deity that allows domestic violence? No thanks.

Sex slavery is allowed:

“And those whom your right hands possess (slave women), whom Allah has given you.” (Qur’an 4:24)

A book that allows men to rape their slaves is not “holy”—it’s disgusting.

These books promote brutality, oppression, and obedience through fear—not justice or compassion. No rational person should look to them for morality.

  1. No Deity Inspiration – Just Ignorant Men Writing Myths

If the Bible and Qur’an were truly inspired by an all-knowing god, they should be scientifically accurate and logically sound.

Instead, they are filled with scientific absurdities that prove they were written by primitive men who understood nothing about the world.

The Bible’s Scientific Nonsense

The Earth’s surface is flat:

“The four corners of the Earth.” (Revelation 7:1, Isaiah 11:12)

A perfect god should know the Earth is a sphere.

The Sun was created after the Earth (Genesis 1:1-19) – impossible. How did they know which day it was without the sun rising and setting?

Rabbits chew cud (Leviticus 11:6) – false.

The Qur’an’s Scientific Blunders

The Sun sets in a muddy spring:

“Until, when he reached the setting of the sun, he found it setting in a muddy spring.” (Qur’an 18:86)

The Sun does not set in a pool of water—how did Allah not know that?

Mountains prevent earthquakes:

“We have placed firm mountains on Earth so that it does not shake.” (Qur’an 21:31)

False. Earthquakes create mountains, not the other way around.

Sperm comes from between the backbone and ribs:

“Man is created from a drop emitted from between the backbone and ribs.” (Qur’an 86:6-7)

Any high school biology student knows sperm comes from the testes, not the ribs!

These scientific errors prove these books were not inspired by an all-knowing deity,

just ancient men making wrong guesses.

  1. Why Do People Still Revere These Absurd Books?

Despite their absurdity, billions still quote, defend, and follow these books. Why?

Brainwashing from birth: Most believers are indoctrinated as children before they can think critically.

Fear of punishment: Both books threaten eternal hellfire for doubting them.

Cultural pressure: In many societies, rejecting religion means social ostracism, threats, or even death.

People crave certainty: Even if it’s nonsense, religious books give a false sense of security in an unpredictable world.

This is not faith—it’s mental slavery.

  1. How the Bible and Qur’an Are Used to Control People

Religious elites use these books to:

Control women (by enforcing submission and modesty rules).

Control sex (demonizing natural desires while religious leaders abuse children).

Control free thought (questioning religion is punished).

Control money (churches/mosques collect billions in donations, tax-free).

Control governments (laws based on religious nonsense).

These books serve not to enlighten, but to enslave.

No man in Doctor Kimbo’s Tribe should follow them.

  1. What Should You Follow Instead?

Instead of following ancient myths, build a morality based on:

Reason and critical thinking

Empathy and fairness

Science and evidence-based knowledge

Freedom and personal responsibility

Live in harmony by:

Respecting others’ rights without needing a god to tell you.

Being honest, not because of “sin,” but because it builds trust.

Helping others, not for “heavenly rewards,” but because it improves society.

Protecting nature, not because of “divine duty,” but because it’s our home.

You don’t need ancient, violent books to be a good person—just rational thinking and human compassion.

Forget the bible and Quran.

These books are not “holy”—they are barbaric, ignorant, and harmful.

Their so-called moral teachings are cruel, their science is laughable, and their influence is oppressive.

They are nothing more than relics of the past, written by primitive men, used to control the weak-minded.

No free-thinking person should take them seriously.

Destroy them—not physically, but in your mind. Reject them, embrace reason, and live freely.

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