Men, If you’re employed at 25 years and earn 50k on average per month for 35 years,
You’ll have made 21 million by the age of 60. Not many Kenyans earn that. (Av=21,750/- pm)
If at 30 you create a scalable business, take 5 years to start monetizing,
And start serving 1,000,000 people yearly at 35, charging 1000 from each, your business will have made 25 billion by the time you’re 60 years. (Building a successful scalable business takes 3-7 years)
If your stake in it is only 10%(partners and expenses to take 90%), you will have made 2500 million (2.5B) in that time.
This is about 120 times more than if you were employed.
You don’t retire from your business at 60. You retire by dying. Your children can inherit your company but will not inherit your job.
Start thinking about a scalable business idea, if you don’t have one already.