Work in Teams to achieve your personal goals…

Men, you would increase the probability of your success spectacularly by working as a team.

A team multiplies your energy 10X and compensates your inadequacy.

What can’t you accomplish if you have people skilled in programming, marketing, management, copywriting, video editing and leadership in your team?

Even the most successful predators on the planet (Lions, hyenas, wolves, whales, dolphins, ants) work as teams.

Build and manage a team or join one and offer value to your members. Win together.

Have a gym brotherhood and lift weights together. “Kutrain na Wazito” is the Key.

The Alliance Strategy is one of the 33 Strategies of War (Robert Greene’s book) for a reason.

Airline pilots must work in teams of at least 2 and cabin crew are even more.

Don’t start a business alone.

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