The man you will be 5 years from today is in:
The books you read
The educative videos you watch
The skills you learn and practice
The heavy weights you lift
The healthy food you consume
The scalable business you build
The network/tribe of men you build
The sunlight you absorb daily
The quality sleep hours you get
Constantly, a man must recreate himself into a masterpiece.
You only stop building yourself when you join your ancestors.
If you don’t recreate yourself, you’ll be shaped by the system into a pawn for politicians, hospitals, media platforms, women and pastors.
They will lead you to powerlessness and then replace you as soon as you have no value to them.
A wise man picks up a chisel, a hammer and then sculpts himself the way he wants.
You can control 99% of your life.
Do not blame Gods, Genes, Germs, Government and bad luck for your situation.
Take responsibility.